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Helado choc and roll - Carrefour sensation

Helado choc and roll - Carrefour sensation

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Some of the data for this product has been provided directly by the manufacturer Carrefour España.

Barra-kodea: 8431876336771 (EAN / EAN-13)

Markak: Carrefour sensation

Kategoriak: en:Desserts, en:Frozen foods, en:Frozen desserts, en:Ice creams and sorbets, Izozki

Etiketak, ziurtagiriak, sariak: en:Organic, Nutriscore, Nutriscore D

Saltzen diren herrialdeak: Espainia

Matching with your preferences



  • icon

    35 ingredients

    : Cobertura especial con grasa vegetal (27,9%) (grasa de coco, azúcar, cacao desgrasado en polvo, emulgente: lecitina de soja), leche desnatada en polvo reconstituida, agua, galleta al cacao (9,3%) (harina de trigo, azúcar, grasa de palma, cacao desgrasado en polvo, jarabe de glucosa, jarabe de glucosa-fructosa, leche desnatada en polvo, extracto de malta de cebada, sal, aroma natural, gasificantes: carbonato sódico, carbonato amónico), azúcar, grasa de coco, lactosa, proteínas de la leche, jarabe de glucosa, emulgentes: mono y diglicéridos de ácidos grasos, alginato sódico, estabilizantes: goma de garrofín, goma guar, carragenanos, aroma natural
    Alergenoak: en:Gluten, en:Milk, en:Soybeans
    Aztarnak: en:Eggs, en:Mustard, en:Nuts

Food processing

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    Ultra processed foods

    Elements that indicate the product is in the 4 - Ultra prozesatutako elikagaiak eta edariak group:

    • Gehigarria: E322
    • Gehigarria: E401
    • Gehigarria: E407
    • Gehigarria: E410 - Algarrobo-goma
    • Gehigarria: E412
    • Gehigarria: E471
    • Osagaia: Emulsifier
    • Osagaia: Flavouring
    • Osagaia: Glukosa
    • Osagaia: Almibar
    • Osagaia: Laktosa
    • Osagaia: Milk proteins

    Food products are classified into 4 groups according to their degree of processing:

    1. Prozesatu gabeko edo ahalik eta gutxien prozesatutako elikagaiak
    2. Sukaldaritzako osagaiak prozesatu
    3. Prozesatutako jakiak
    4. Ultra processed foods

    The determination of the group is based on the category of the product and on the ingredients it contains.

    Learn more about the NOVA classification


  • E322

    Lecithin: Lecithin -UK: , US: , from the Greek lekithos, "egg yolk"- is a generic term to designate any group of yellow-brownish fatty substances occurring in animal and plant tissues, which are amphiphilic – they attract both water and fatty substances -and so are both hydrophilic and lipophilic-, and are used for smoothing food textures, dissolving powders -emulsifying-, homogenizing liquid mixtures, and repelling sticking materials.Lecithins are mixtures of glycerophospholipids including phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidic acid.Lecithin was first isolated in 1845 by the French chemist and pharmacist Theodore Gobley. In 1850, he named the phosphatidylcholine lécithine. Gobley originally isolated lecithin from egg yolk—λέκιθος lekithos is "egg yolk" in Ancient Greek—and established the complete chemical formula of phosphatidylcholine in 1874; in between, he had demonstrated the presence of lecithin in a variety of biological matters, including venous blood, in human lungs, bile, human brain tissue, fish eggs, fish roe, and chicken and sheep brain. Lecithin can easily be extracted chemically using solvents such as hexane, ethanol, acetone, petroleum ether, benzene, etc., or extraction can be done mechanically. It is usually available from sources such as soybeans, eggs, milk, marine sources, rapeseed, cottonseed, and sunflower. It has low solubility in water, but is an excellent emulsifier. In aqueous solution, its phospholipids can form either liposomes, bilayer sheets, micelles, or lamellar structures, depending on hydration and temperature. This results in a type of surfactant that usually is classified as amphipathic. Lecithin is sold as a food additive and dietary supplement. In cooking, it is sometimes used as an emulsifier and to prevent sticking, for example in nonstick cooking spray.
    Source: Wikipedia (Ingeles)
  • E322i - Lezitina

    Lecithin: Lecithin -UK: , US: , from the Greek lekithos, "egg yolk"- is a generic term to designate any group of yellow-brownish fatty substances occurring in animal and plant tissues, which are amphiphilic – they attract both water and fatty substances -and so are both hydrophilic and lipophilic-, and are used for smoothing food textures, dissolving powders -emulsifying-, homogenizing liquid mixtures, and repelling sticking materials.Lecithins are mixtures of glycerophospholipids including phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidic acid.Lecithin was first isolated in 1845 by the French chemist and pharmacist Theodore Gobley. In 1850, he named the phosphatidylcholine lécithine. Gobley originally isolated lecithin from egg yolk—λέκιθος lekithos is "egg yolk" in Ancient Greek—and established the complete chemical formula of phosphatidylcholine in 1874; in between, he had demonstrated the presence of lecithin in a variety of biological matters, including venous blood, in human lungs, bile, human brain tissue, fish eggs, fish roe, and chicken and sheep brain. Lecithin can easily be extracted chemically using solvents such as hexane, ethanol, acetone, petroleum ether, benzene, etc., or extraction can be done mechanically. It is usually available from sources such as soybeans, eggs, milk, marine sources, rapeseed, cottonseed, and sunflower. It has low solubility in water, but is an excellent emulsifier. In aqueous solution, its phospholipids can form either liposomes, bilayer sheets, micelles, or lamellar structures, depending on hydration and temperature. This results in a type of surfactant that usually is classified as amphipathic. Lecithin is sold as a food additive and dietary supplement. In cooking, it is sometimes used as an emulsifier and to prevent sticking, for example in nonstick cooking spray.
    Source: Wikipedia (Ingeles)
  • E407

    Carrageenan: Carrageenans or carrageenins - karr-ə-gee-nənz, from Irish carraigín, "little rock"- are a family of linear sulfated polysaccharides that are extracted from red edible seaweeds. They are widely used in the food industry, for their gelling, thickening, and stabilizing properties. Their main application is in dairy and meat products, due to their strong binding to food proteins. There are three main varieties of carrageenan, which differ in their degree of sulfation. Kappa-carrageenan has one sulfate group per disaccharide, iota-carrageenan has two, and lambda-carrageenan has three. Gelatinous extracts of the Chondrus crispus -Irish moss- seaweed have been used as food additives since approximately the fifteenth century. Carrageenan is a vegetarian and vegan alternative to gelatin in some applications or may be used to replace gelatin in confectionery.
    Source: Wikipedia (Ingeles)
  • E412

    Guar gum: Guar gum, also called guaran, is a galactomannan polysaccharide extracted from guar beans that has thickening and stabilizing properties useful in the food, feed and industrial applications. The guar seeds are mechanically dehusked, hydrated, milled and screened according to application. It is typically produced as a free-flowing, off-white powder.
    Source: Wikipedia (Ingeles)
  • E471

    Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids: Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids -E471- refers to a food additive composed of diglycerides and monoglycerides which is used as an emulsifier. This mixture is also sometimes referred to as partial glycerides.
    Source: Wikipedia (Ingeles)
  • E500

    Sodium carbonate: Sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, -also known as washing soda, soda ash and soda crystals, and in the monohydrate form as crystal carbonate- is the water-soluble sodium salt of carbonic acid. It most commonly occurs as a crystalline decahydrate, which readily effloresces to form a white powder, the monohydrate. Pure sodium carbonate is a white, odorless powder that is hygroscopic -absorbs moisture from the air-. It has a strongly alkaline taste, and forms a moderately basic solution in water. Sodium carbonate is well known domestically for its everyday use as a water softener. Historically it was extracted from the ashes of plants growing in sodium-rich soils, such as vegetation from the Middle East, kelp from Scotland and seaweed from Spain. Because the ashes of these sodium-rich plants were noticeably different from ashes of timber -used to create potash-, they became known as "soda ash". It is synthetically produced in large quantities from salt -sodium chloride- and limestone by a method known as the Solvay process. The manufacture of glass is one of the most important uses of sodium carbonate. Sodium carbonate acts as a flux for silica, lowering the melting point of the mixture to something achievable without special materials. This "soda glass" is mildly water-soluble, so some calcium carbonate is added to the melt mixture to make the glass produced insoluble. This type of glass is known as soda lime glass: "soda" for the sodium carbonate and "lime" for the calcium carbonate. Soda lime glass has been the most common form of glass for centuries. Sodium carbonate is also used as a relatively strong base in various settings. For example, it is used as a pH regulator to maintain stable alkaline conditions necessary for the action of the majority of photographic film developing agents. It acts as an alkali because when dissolved in water, it dissociates into the weak acid: carbonic acid and the strong alkali: sodium hydroxide. This gives sodium carbonate in solution the ability to attack metals such as aluminium with the release of hydrogen gas.It is a common additive in swimming pools used to raise the pH which can be lowered by chlorine tablets and other additives which contain acids. In cooking, it is sometimes used in place of sodium hydroxide for lyeing, especially with German pretzels and lye rolls. These dishes are treated with a solution of an alkaline substance to change the pH of the surface of the food and improve browning. In taxidermy, sodium carbonate added to boiling water will remove flesh from the bones of animal carcasses for trophy mounting or educational display. In chemistry, it is often used as an electrolyte. Electrolytes are usually salt-based, and sodium carbonate acts as a very good conductor in the process of electrolysis. In addition, unlike chloride ions, which form chlorine gas, carbonate ions are not corrosive to the anodes. It is also used as a primary standard for acid-base titrations because it is solid and air-stable, making it easy to weigh accurately.
    Source: Wikipedia (Ingeles)
  • E500i

    Sodium carbonate: Sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, -also known as washing soda, soda ash and soda crystals, and in the monohydrate form as crystal carbonate- is the water-soluble sodium salt of carbonic acid. It most commonly occurs as a crystalline decahydrate, which readily effloresces to form a white powder, the monohydrate. Pure sodium carbonate is a white, odorless powder that is hygroscopic -absorbs moisture from the air-. It has a strongly alkaline taste, and forms a moderately basic solution in water. Sodium carbonate is well known domestically for its everyday use as a water softener. Historically it was extracted from the ashes of plants growing in sodium-rich soils, such as vegetation from the Middle East, kelp from Scotland and seaweed from Spain. Because the ashes of these sodium-rich plants were noticeably different from ashes of timber -used to create potash-, they became known as "soda ash". It is synthetically produced in large quantities from salt -sodium chloride- and limestone by a method known as the Solvay process. The manufacture of glass is one of the most important uses of sodium carbonate. Sodium carbonate acts as a flux for silica, lowering the melting point of the mixture to something achievable without special materials. This "soda glass" is mildly water-soluble, so some calcium carbonate is added to the melt mixture to make the glass produced insoluble. This type of glass is known as soda lime glass: "soda" for the sodium carbonate and "lime" for the calcium carbonate. Soda lime glass has been the most common form of glass for centuries. Sodium carbonate is also used as a relatively strong base in various settings. For example, it is used as a pH regulator to maintain stable alkaline conditions necessary for the action of the majority of photographic film developing agents. It acts as an alkali because when dissolved in water, it dissociates into the weak acid: carbonic acid and the strong alkali: sodium hydroxide. This gives sodium carbonate in solution the ability to attack metals such as aluminium with the release of hydrogen gas.It is a common additive in swimming pools used to raise the pH which can be lowered by chlorine tablets and other additives which contain acids. In cooking, it is sometimes used in place of sodium hydroxide for lyeing, especially with German pretzels and lye rolls. These dishes are treated with a solution of an alkaline substance to change the pH of the surface of the food and improve browning. In taxidermy, sodium carbonate added to boiling water will remove flesh from the bones of animal carcasses for trophy mounting or educational display. In chemistry, it is often used as an electrolyte. Electrolytes are usually salt-based, and sodium carbonate acts as a very good conductor in the process of electrolysis. In addition, unlike chloride ions, which form chlorine gas, carbonate ions are not corrosive to the anodes. It is also used as a primary standard for acid-base titrations because it is solid and air-stable, making it easy to weigh accurately.
    Source: Wikipedia (Ingeles)
  • E503

    Ammonium carbonate: Ammonium carbonate is a salt with the chemical formula -NH4-2CO3. Since it readily degrades to gaseous ammonia and carbon dioxide upon heating, it is used as a leavening agent and also as smelling salt. It is also known as baker's ammonia and was a predecessor to the more modern leavening agents baking soda and baking powder. It is a component of what was formerly known as sal volatile and salt of hartshorn.
    Source: Wikipedia (Ingeles)
  • E503i

    Ammonium carbonate: Ammonium carbonate is a salt with the chemical formula -NH4-2CO3. Since it readily degrades to gaseous ammonia and carbon dioxide upon heating, it is used as a leavening agent and also as smelling salt. It is also known as baker's ammonia and was a predecessor to the more modern leavening agents baking soda and baking powder. It is a component of what was formerly known as sal volatile and salt of hartshorn.
    Source: Wikipedia (Ingeles)

Ingredients analysis

  • icon


    Non-vegan ingredients: bg:Възстановено обезмаслено мляко на прах, en:Skimmed milk powder, Laktosa, en:Milk proteins

    Some ingredients could not be recognized.

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    • Edit this product page to correct spelling mistakes in the ingredients list, and/or to remove ingredients in other languages and sentences that are not related to the ingredients.
    • Add new entries, synonyms or translations to our multilingual lists of ingredients, ingredient processing methods, and labels.

    If you would like to help, join the #ingredients channel on our Slack discussion space and/or learn about ingredients analysis on our wiki. Thank you!

  • icon

    en:Vegetarian status unknown

    Unrecognized ingredients: es:cobertura-especial-con-grasa-vegetal, es:galleta-al-cacao

    Some ingredients could not be recognized.

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    • Edit this product page to correct spelling mistakes in the ingredients list, and/or to remove ingredients in other languages and sentences that are not related to the ingredients.
    • Add new entries, synonyms or translations to our multilingual lists of ingredients, ingredient processing methods, and labels.

    If you would like to help, join the #ingredients channel on our Slack discussion space and/or learn about ingredients analysis on our wiki. Thank you!

The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods.
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    Details of the analysis of the ingredients

    We need your help!

    Some ingredients could not be recognized.

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    • Edit this product page to correct spelling mistakes in the ingredients list, and/or to remove ingredients in other languages and sentences that are not related to the ingredients.
    • Add new entries, synonyms or translations to our multilingual lists of ingredients, ingredient processing methods, and labels.

    If you would like to help, join the #ingredients channel on our Slack discussion space and/or learn about ingredients analysis on our wiki. Thank you!

    : Cobertura especial con grasa vegetal 27.9% (grasa de coco, azúcar, cacao desgrasado en polvo, emulgente (lecitina de soja)), leche desnatada en polvo reconstituida, agua, galleta al cacao 9.3% (harina de trigo, azúcar, grasa de palma, cacao desgrasado en polvo, jarabe de glucosa, jarabe de glucosa-fructosa, leche desnatada en polvo, extracto de malta de cebada, sal, aroma natural, gasificantes (carbonato sódico), carbonato amónico), azúcar, grasa de coco, lactosa, proteínas de la leche, jarabe de glucosa, emulgentes (mono- y diglicéridos de ácidos grasos), alginato sódico, estabilizantes (goma de garrofín), goma guar, carragenanos, aroma natural
    1. Cobertura especial con grasa vegetal -> es:cobertura-especial-con-grasa-vegetal - percent_min: 27.9 - percent: 27.9 - percent_max: 27.9
      1. grasa de coco -> en:coconut-fat - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - from_palm_oil: no - ciqual_food_code: 16040 - percent_min: 6.975 - percent_max: 27.9
      2. azúcar -> en:sugar - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 31016 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 13.95
      3. cacao desgrasado en polvo -> en:fat-reduced-cocoa-powder - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 18100 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 9.3
      4. emulgente -> en:emulsifier - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 6.975
        1. lecitina de soja -> en:soya-lecithin - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 42200 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 6.975
    2. leche desnatada en polvo reconstituida -> bg:възстановено-обезмаслено-мляко-на-прах - vegan: no - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 19054 - percent_min: 9.3 - percent_max: 27.9
    3. agua -> en:water - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 18066 - percent_min: 9.3 - percent_max: 27.9
    4. galleta al cacao -> es:galleta-al-cacao - percent_min: 9.3 - percent: 9.3 - percent_max: 9.3
      1. harina de trigo -> en:wheat-flour - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 9410 - percent_min: 0.775 - percent_max: 9.3
      2. azúcar -> en:sugar - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 31016 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 4.65
      3. grasa de palma -> en:palm-fat - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - from_palm_oil: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 16129 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 3.1
      4. cacao desgrasado en polvo -> en:fat-reduced-cocoa-powder - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 18100 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 2.325
      5. jarabe de glucosa -> en:glucose-syrup - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 31016 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.86
      6. jarabe de glucosa-fructosa -> en:glucose-fructose-syrup - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 31077 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.55
      7. leche desnatada en polvo -> en:skimmed-milk-powder - vegan: no - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 19054 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.32857142857143
      8. extracto de malta de cebada -> en:barley-malt-extract - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 1.1625
      9. sal -> en:salt - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 11058 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 0.13
      10. aroma natural -> en:natural-flavouring - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 0.13
      11. gasificantes -> en:raising-agent - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 0.13
        1. carbonato sódico -> en:e500i - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 0.13
      12. carbonato amónico -> en:e503i - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 0.13
    5. azúcar -> en:sugar - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 31016 - percent_min: 0.636363636363638 - percent_max: 9.3
    6. grasa de coco -> en:coconut-fat - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - from_palm_oil: no - ciqual_food_code: 16040 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 9.3
    7. lactosa -> en:lactose - vegan: no - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 9.3
    8. proteínas de la leche -> en:milk-proteins - vegan: no - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 8.81060606060606
    9. jarabe de glucosa -> en:glucose-syrup - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 31016 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 7.55194805194805
    10. emulgentes -> en:emulsifier - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 6.60795454545454
      1. mono- y diglicéridos de ácidos grasos -> en:e471 - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe - from_palm_oil: maybe - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 6.60795454545454
    11. alginato sódico -> en:e401 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 5.87373737373737
    12. estabilizantes -> en:stabiliser - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 5.28636363636364
      1. goma de garrofín -> en:e410 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 5.28636363636364
    13. goma guar -> en:e412 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 4.80578512396694
    14. carragenanos -> en:e407 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 4.40530303030303
    15. aroma natural -> en:natural-flavouring - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 4.06643356643357


  • icon

    Poor nutritional quality

    This product is not considered a beverage for the calculation of the Nutri-Score.

    Positive points: 2

    • Proteinak: 1 / 5 (balioa: 2.9, rounded value: 2.9)
    • Fiber: 2 / 5 (balioa: 2, rounded value: 2)
    • Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and colza/walnut/olive oils: 0 / 5 (balioa: 0, rounded value: 0)

    Negative points: 19

    • Energia: 4 / 10 (balioa: 1410, rounded value: 1410)
    • Azukreak: 5 / 10 (balioa: 25, rounded value: 25)
    • Gantz saturatua: 10 / 10 (balioa: 19, rounded value: 19)
    • Sodioa: 0 / 10 (balioa: 52, rounded value: 52)

    The points for proteins are not counted because the negative points are greater or equal to 11.

    Nutritional score: (19 - 2)


  • icon

    Nutrition facts

    Nutrition facts As sold
    for 100 g / 100 ml
    Compared to: Izozki
    Energia 1.410 kj
    (339 kcal)
    +% 33
    Koipe 22 g +% 69
    Gantz-azido ase 19 g +% 118
    Carbohydrates 31 g +% 4
    Azukre 25 g +% 6
    Fiber 2 g +% 56
    Proteina 2,9 g -% 15
    Gatz arrunt 0,13 g -% 22
    Fruits‚ vegetables‚ nuts and rapeseed‚ walnut and olive oils 0 % -% 100
    Fruits‚ vegetables‚ nuts and rapeseed‚ walnut and olive oils (estimate from ingredients list analysis) 0 %


Carbon footprint



Threatened species

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Product added on by org-carrefour-espana
Last edit of product page on by segundo.
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