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Barra-kodea: 8434164525185 (EAN / EAN-13)

Markak: Cuétara

Kategoriak: en:Bolleria, en:Galletas y pasteles

Saltzen diren herrialdeak: Espainia

Matching with your preferences


Food processing

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    Food processing level unknown

    The ingredients of the product must be specified in order to determine the NOVA group.

    Food products are classified into 4 groups according to their degree of processing:

    1. Prozesatu gabeko edo ahalik eta gutxien prozesatutako elikagaiak
    2. Sukaldaritzako osagaiak prozesatu
    3. Prozesatutako jakiak
    4. Ultra processed foods

    The determination of the group is based on the category of the product and on the ingredients it contains.

    Learn more about the NOVA classification

    Atera osagaien argazkia Atera osagaien argazkia


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    Bad nutritional quality

    ⚠ ️Warning: the amounts of fiber and of fruits, vegetables and nuts are not specified, their possible positive contribution to the grade could not be taken into account.

    This product is not considered a beverage for the calculation of the Nutri-Score.

    Positive points: 0

    • Proteinak: 3 / 5 (balioa: 6, rounded value: 6)
    • Fiber: 0 / 5 (balioa: 0, rounded value: 0)
    • Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and colza/walnut/olive oils: 0 / 5 (balioa: 0, rounded value: 0)

    Negative points: 20

    • Energia: 4 / 10 (balioa: 1661, rounded value: 1661)
    • Azukreak: 7 / 10 (balioa: 33, rounded value: 33)
    • Gantz saturatua: 8 / 10 (balioa: 9, rounded value: 9)
    • Sodioa: 1 / 10 (balioa: 100, rounded value: 100)

    The points for proteins are not counted because the negative points are greater or equal to 11.

    Nutritional score: (20 - 0)


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    Nutrition facts

    Nutrition facts As sold
    for 100 g / 100 ml
    Compared to: en:bolleria
    Energia 1.661 kj
    (397 kcal)
    -% 5
    Koipe 16 g -% 24
    Gantz-azido ase 9 g -% 11
    Carbohydrates 56 g +% 12
    Azukre 33 g +% 42
    Fiber ?
    Proteina 6 g +% 2
    Gatz arrunt 0,25 g -% 58




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Datuen iturria

Product added on by elcoco
Last edit of product page on by halal-app-chakib.
Produktuaren orria -gatik editatua elcoco.5fd6a920347480465ed9e0bc809fcb4b, kiliweb, musarana, openfoodfacts-contributors, thaialagata, yuka.UjRVeUM2Z2dxLzhBeS9RVTFCYkYyTkZUMjdpdURXZXhKTmRJSVE9PQ.

If the data is incomplete or incorrect, you can complete or correct it by editing this page.