Help us make food transparency the norm!

As a non-profit organization, we depend on your donations to continue informing consumers around the world about what they eat.

The food revolution starts with you!


Open Beauty Facts-i lagundu

Open Food Facts community

Open Food Facts exists thanks to the citizens who give their time and talent in many different activities. We are a large international family that gives a unique character to this beautiful project, made for all, by all! 🌍✨

To facilitate the involvement of our contributors and allow the project to grow in a more dynamic way, we are setting up a Contributors Skill Pool, as well as teams of volunteers by theme.

✅ The aim is to match your skills and interests to the needs of the project.

Whether you are already a very involved contributor or have just arrived and want to participate, we invite you to fill in the form below. (All personal data you enter will be kept confidential and used only by the permanent team to contact you).

Contributors Skill Pool form in ENG/FR

Edonork lagundu dezake

Mundu osoko produktuen gure datu base ireki eta kolaboratiboaren parte izan zaitez!

Open Food irabazi-asmorik gabeko proiektua da bolondresez osatuta, benetan behar zaitugu.

Gehitu produktuak

Erabili Android, iPhone edo Windows aplikazioa produktuen barra-kodeak erraz eskaneatzeko zure etxetik edo tokiko dendetatik, eta kargatu beren etiketen irudiak.

Smartphonerik ez? Ez dago arazorik: kamera ere erabil dezakezu produktuak zuzenean webgunera gehitzeko.

Produktuak bete

Produktuak sailkatu eta osagaien zerrendak eta nutrizio-datuak atera behar ditugu haien nutrizio-kalitatea aztertzeko, beganoentzat eta begetarianoentzat egokiak diren zehazteko eta askoz gehiago!

You can help us complete products by selecting and cropping photos and filling in information.

Esaiozu munduari

Gustatzen al zaizu Open Food Facts? Kontatu besteei!

You can present the project to your family and friends, show them how to install the app and contribute, write a blog post, and share Open Food Facts on social media.

Egin ezazu tokikoa

Horrialde hau eta mugikorreko aplikazioa zure hizkuntzara itzultzen lagun dezakezu.

Start or join a local contributors community: add local products, recruit friends, present the project in local meetups and conferences etc.

Adituen laguntza behar da

Open Food Facts garatzeko, gainera, ezagutza eta esperientzia espezializatuak behar dira hainbat arlotan:

  • Proiektu-kudeaketa

    We have tons of ideas and you probably have even more, but it is quite a challenge to prioritize them, to build a roadmap, and to manage projects when every participant is a volunteer with often limited time available.

  • Diseinua

    We need help to build a better user experience on the Open Food Facts web site and mobile app, to improve their design, to create impactful presentation materials etc.

  • Garapena

    Garapen lan asko dugu egiteko. On the Open Food Facts backend (Perl and MongoDB), API (JSON), web site (templatized HTML5, JS, Foundation), our Flutter mobile app for iOS and Android, but also to build new cool reuses etc. We have SDK projects in many programming languages to ensure anyone can reuse and contribute to Open Food Facts, in any language. We also have a growing Artificial Intelligence effort to simplify contribution work. Our code is on GitHub.

  • Komunitatea eraikiz

    Herrialde guztietako komunitateak eraiki behar ditugu, eta aldi berean, denak globalki elkartu.

    It is very difficult to bootstrap a local community in a country without living there, so your help to find the first very motivated participants is essential. Horietako bat al zara?

  • Komunikazioa

    Ez dakigu zer idatzi hemen, lagun gaitzakezu?

    More seriously, there are lot of cool things that users, contributors and reusers do with Open Food Facts, it would be great to get more people to know about it. In particular, we need help for public and media relations.

  • Proiektu bereziak

    There are lots of interesting and original applications of food open data that we could work on with government food agencies, food producers, researchers, universities, schools, NGOs etc. Agian dagoeneko badituzu ideiak? Horrela bada, lagundu iezaguzu aurrera egiten.

Hitz egin dezagun!

Ideia, kemena eta ilusio ugari partekatzen dira gure laguntzaileen komunitatean, bildu gurera!

Hemen dituzu beste laguntzaileak ezagutzeko leku batzuk, hitz egin eta egin lan beraiekin:

  • Slack

    Slack da beste laguntzaile, garatzaile eta berrerabiltzaileekin harremanetan jarri eta elkarrekin lan egiteko modurik onena. It's a discussion forum you can access from your browser or your phone. Gure lan egiteko modua goitik behera aldatu du. Please try it, click here to get invited to our Slack.

  • Facebook taldeak

    We have Facebook groups for Open Food Facts contributors in many languages. Joining them is a good way to get news about the project and to share announcements to a wider audience.

  • Wikia

    We also have a wiki that we use to collaboratively document Open Food Facts and its sub-projects. From the wiki, you can learn how to help translate the multilingual information (categories, labels etc.) a food product might have (using what we call taxonomies). You can even help add a food category or a label that is not yet supported by Open Food Facts.

Make a difference

Martxan dauden hainbat proiektu garrantzitsu ditugu, batu gurera!

Hemen dituzu leku batzuk zure laguntza orain eskaintzeko:

There are many more ways to contribute to Open Beauty Facts, please join us on Slack and let's start the discussion!