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As a non-profit organization, we depend on your donations to continue informing consumers around the world about what they eat.

The food revolution starts with you!


Open Food Facts

Open Food Facts

The free food products database.

Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are. Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin - 1825

Open your food and know what you eat

Mundu osoko produktuen gure datu base ireki eta kolaboratiboaren parte izan zaitez!

A food products database

A food products database

Open Food Facts is a database of food products with ingredients, allergens, nutrition facts and all the tidbits of information we can find on product labels.

Denek egina - Crowdsourcing

Denek egina

Open Food Facts is a non-profit association of volunteers.

100.000+ contributors like you have added 3 000 000+ products from 150 countries using our Android,iPhone or Windows app or their camera to scan barcodes and upload pictures of products and their labels.

Guztientzat - Datu irekiak


Data about food is of public interest and has to be open. Datu-base osoa datu-ireki gisa argitaratzen da eta edonork edozein erabileratarako berrerabili dezake. Ikusi berrerabilpen bikainak edo zeurea egin ezazu!

Make better food choices

Ezagutza boterea da. Food knowledge is power to eat better!

  • Etiketak deskodetzea

    Etiketak deskodetzea

    Food additives E-numbers, allergens, packaging codes... Open Food Facts helps you to make sense of the fine print on products labels.

    Nutrition grade

    We also grade the nutritional quality of each product.

  • Aurkitu produktuak

    Aurkitu produktuak

    Gure bilaketa-inprimakiak dozenaka irizpide biltzen ditu zure irizpideekin bat datozen produktuak aurki ditzazun.

  • Konparatu produktuak

    Konparatu eta aldatu

    Do you know which breakfast cereals have the less fat and sugar? In 3 clicks you can create an interactive graph to show it. So you can change for healthier cereals, and by comparing products from different brands, you encourage producers to make them better.

  • Origins of ingredients of Fair Trade products

    Arakatu eta ezagutu

    Curious about food? Explore products by facets like brands, categories, labels, origins of ingredients etc. Facets can be combined to discover new insights, for instance to map the origins of ingredients that bear a fair trade label.

Food for thought, innovation and science

Gure datuak berrerabil daitezke hezkuntzarako, produktu eta zerbitzu berrietarako, ikerketarako eta abar!

The Open Food Facts database is open data published under the Open Database Licence. Anyone can use it for any purpose - commercial or non-commercial - provided the source of the data is attributed and improvements to the database are shared in a similar way.


How many food commercials have you seen in your life? Datu irekiek marketinaren azpian ezkutatzen den errealitatea ikusten lagun dezakete.

How much sugar?

How much sugar?

Can you guess the equivalent amount of sugar cubes in your food? Try How much sugar? to find out.

Produktuak eta zerbitzuak

Open Food Facts data can be reused in both non-commercial and commercial projects, as long as improvements to the database are shared as well.

Made Near Me

Made Near Me

Know where your food comes from and Eat Local with Made Near Me!


Open Food Facts data is used by scientists in different fields (Nutrition, Biology, Linked Open Data...). Eta ez duzu doktoretzarik behar herritarren zientzian parte hartzeko!


Nutrition grades

The French National Nutrition and Health Program uses Open Food Facts to validate the formula of its nutrition quality score and nutrition grades.

Check out our data to create yours!